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Water sanitation and Hygine (WaSH)

WaSH is an acronym that stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene. It is a key public health issue within international development and is the focus of Sustainable Development Goal 6. WaSH program aims to provide universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, improve sanitation, and end to open defection which are crucial for overall public health.

Water:  This refers to access and availability of safe drinking water. Drinking unsafe water can impair health through illnesses such as diarrhea.

Sanitation: This is related to conditions associated with clean drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and sewage. It includes clean toilets and untreated excreta that can contaminate ground waters and surface waters used for drinking water, irrigation, bathing, and household purposes.

Hygiene: Hygiene refers to behaviors that can improve cleanliness and lead to good health, such as frequent hand washing, facial cleanness, and bathing with soap and water.

Key WaSH facts

  1. WaSH stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene.

  2. Access to clean water is essential for human health and well-being.

  3. Sanitation involves the safe disposal of human waste to prevent the spread of diseases.

  4. Hygiene practices, such as hand washing are crucial for preventing infections.

  5. Lack of access to WaSH services can lead to waterborne diseases and poor health outcomes. 

  6. Billions of people worldwide lack access to basic sanitation facilities.

  7. WaSH is a critical component of sustainable development goals.

  8. Water scarcity is a  global challenge affecting many regions.

  9. Women and children often bear the burden of fetching water in communities without adequate access.

  10. Proper WaSH infrastructure  is essential for disaster response  and preparedness WaSH

Main categories of  WaSH


  1. Water supply and treatment  .

  2. Sanitation and waste management.

  3. Hygiene promotion and education.

  4. Water quality testing and monitoring.

  5. Water born diseases prevention and control.

  6. Infrastructure and facilities maintenance.

  7. Community engagement and participation.

  8. Policy and governance for WaSh initiatives.

 WaSH  Fit 

The water and sanitation for Health facilitating tool is a resource or instrument designed to support and promote the improvement of water, sanitation, and hygiene practices in various settings such as communities, schools, healthcare facilities, and other public spaces. This tool typically includes guidance, strategies, and practical approaches to address WaSH-related challenges and promote better health outcomes. It may encompass various such as access to clean water, proper sanitation facilities, hygiene education, and behavior change communication. The WaSh facilitating tools aim to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to implement effective WaSH interventions and create sustainable improvement in water and sanitation infrastructure, ultimately contributing to better health  and well-being.


WaSH in healthcare facilities (WaSH HCF) stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene, water ensures a clean and safe supply. Sanitation focuses on proper waste disposal and toilet facilities and hygiene promotes hand washing and cleanliness.

In health care, WaSH plays a critical role in preventing infections. Clean water is essential for medical procedures  While sanitation prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses. Hygiene especially hand washing is vital for stopping the transmission of infections between patients and and healthcare workers.

Inadequate WaSH in healthcare facilities can lead to the spread of infections affecting both patients and healthcare workers. Without clean, proper sanitation and hygiene practices, the risk of healthcare-associated infections increases impacting patient safety and recovery. 

Effective WaSH practices in health care include regular hand washing, sterilization and medical equipment proper waste management, and ensuring a clean water supply.

It is crucial to advocate for improved WaSh standards in healthcare facilities, by supporting better water and sanitation infrastructure, promoting hygiene education, and ensuring education and compliance with WaSH guidelines. Creating safer environments for patients health care workers and the community is important.

Menstrual health

Menstrual health refers to the well-being of individuals during their monthly menstrual cycle. This cycle typically lasts around 28 days and involves.

It is important to maintain good menstrual hygiene by changing sanitary products regularly washing the genital area with clean water and using comfortable menstrual health.

It is important to dispel myths such as the idea that menstruation is dirty and impure. Menstruation is a natural process and maintaining good hygiene is essential for health and comfort.

Remember, every woman's experience with menstruation is unique and it is important to address any concerns or unusual symptoms of health care products.


Hand Washing 

Hand washing is effective for preventing transmission of diarrhea, and pathogens. However, it is not conclusive that hand washing with soap is more effective in reducing contamination with bacteria associated with diarrhea than using water only.

Hand washing with water alone reduced the presence of bacteria to 23%. Hand washing with plain soap and water reduced the presence of bacteria to 8%. The effect did not appear to depend on the bacteria spaces. Hand washing with nonantibacterial soap and water is more effective for the removal of bacteria of potential facial origin from hands than hand washing with water alone and should therefore be more useful for the prevention of transmission of diarrhea diseases.

It has been suggested that hand washing may substantially reduce the risk of diarrhea disease. However, it is unclear how much hand hygiene is required to interrupt the transmission of diarrhea pathogens. In particular, it has not been conclusively shown whether the use of soap is essential for hands. Soap may be more effective than water in reducing the presence of coliform bacteria on hands.

Effective solid waste management

Effective solid waste management

This is crucial for the health and well-being of our communities and the environment. By properly disposing of waste and implementing recycling programs, we can reduce pollution, conserve resources, and create a more sustainable future. Let's work together to make a positive impact on our planet.

Key principles

Source segeration: Sorting waste at its point of origin into categories such as organic, recycled, and non-recyclable materials.

Collection and transportation: Efficient collection methods and transportation systems to move waste to appropriate treatment facilities.

Treatment and disposal: Utilizing methods like recycling, composting, and controlled landfilling to manage waste based on its type and characteristics.

Importance of Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling

Reducing: Minimizing waste generation through conscious consumption and production practices.

Re-using: Extending the life of products by repairing, donating or repurposing items to reduce waste.

Recycling: Converting waste materials into new products, conserving resources, and reducing the volume of waste sent to landfills.

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